Hajj And Umrah |
Pilgrimage This is the fifth pillar of islam. It was made obligatory in the ninth year after the Hijrah. Allah says; "Pilgrimage is a duty mankind owes to Allah, those who can afford the journey" (ali-Imraan 97) The pilgrimage is an obligation from Allah upon his servant,to be performed at least once in one's lifetime. The prophet peace be upon him said. "The pilgrimage (need only to be done) once. Whoever does more, it is done voluntarily." Hajj The meaning of Hajj is to go to makkah to perform specific acts at a specific time of the year. Umrah The Umrah, linguistically means "a visit." Legally it refers to specific actions performed at specific place. It is obligatory at least once in ones lifetime. The wisdom behind the Enjoining of Hajj and Umrah The prophet (peace be upon him) Said; "Whoever makes the pilgrimage to this house and does not have intercourse nor does evil shall return (with respect to his sins) like the day on which his mother gave him birth." (Recorded by al-Bukhari) The Conditions Of Hajj In order for hajj to become obligatory,one must meet the following conditions: (1) Being Muslim (2) Being sane (3) Being an adult (4) Being able to make the journey, this include the presence of the provision and other righteous travelers to accompany him. (5) Complete freedom (6) In the case of women,another condition is added and that is, the existence of an adult male relative within the prohibited degree of marriage (who can accompany her on the journey); if she makes pilgrimage without such an escort,she would have commited a sin although her pilgrimage would have been valid. If a child performs pilgrimage, it will be considered a valid voluntary pilgrimage but he must still perform the obligatory pilgrimage of islam after he become of age. If a person who should perform the pilgrimage dies without doing so,wealth is taken from what he left behind so that someone may perforn the pilgrimage on his behalf. It is not acceptable for a person to perform pilgrimage on another's behalf when he himself has not done so on his own behalf.It is proper for a capable person to apoint someone to perform a voluntary pilgrimage or umrah on his behalf. The Different ways in which the pilgrimage can be performed (The following are the different combinations of performing the hajj or umrah): (1) Performing the umrah by itself (2) Performing the hajj by it self (3) Performing the hajj in connection with the umrah. (4) Performing the umrah in combination with the hajj but with a break in between. As for the umrah by it self,it may be performed throughout the days of the year.However it is best performed with the hajj or during the month of ramadhan. As for the hajj by itself, this is where the pilgrim intend to perform only the hajj without performing the umrah beforehand or in connection with it. As for the hajj in connection with the umrah, the acts of the two are combined and it is sufficient to perform one circumanbulation and sa'ee (referring to the going back and forth between the mounth of safa and Marwah). As for the umrah in combination with the hajj but with a break between,this is the best way to perform hajj.It is when the person enters the inviolable state for umrah during the month desinated for hajj. He makes the sa'ee,circumambulation and then comes out of the inviolable state.Then on the eight day of the month of Dhul-l-Hijjah,he enters the inviolable state for the hajj during that same year. He performs all of the acts of the hajj. including the circumambulation,Sa'ee,staying at Arafah and and so forth.He sacrifies the animal which is obligatory when a person perform this type of hajj or the previous type (the hajj in connection with the umrah). The Essentail components of Hajj and Umrah There are four essentail components of Hajj they include: enterig the inviolable state, circumambulation, sa'ee and staying at Arafah.If any one of these acts are not performed, the hajj is not valid. Umrah has three essentail components these are: entering the inviolable state, circumambulation and sa'ee. The umrah is not complete except with these acts. The details of these essentail components are as follows: The first Essential Component the first essential component of the hajj or umrah is entering the inviolable state.This is the intention to perform one of the types of pilgrimage rite, Hajj or Umrah, after preparing to enter into that state and removing any sewn clothing. The Obligatory Aspect of the inviolable state The Obligatory Aspect of the inviolable state are three: (1) Entering into the state at the proper place: This is the place that is designated by the law giver to enter into the inviolable state (this place varies depending on the direction you are coming from),it is not allowed to go beyond that point without being in that state for whoever wants to perform hajj or umrah. (2) Removing all sewn clothing: Men are not allowed to wear gowns, shirts,head caps or scarves and, in fact, the head should not be covered at all.Similarly they shuold not wear leather socks unless they cannot find sandals.Women are not to wear face veils or gloves. (3) The talbiyyah: This is the saying of; "Labaika-llahumma labaik labaika laa shareeka laka labaik. innah-l-hamda wa-ni'mata laka wa-l-mulk.Laa shareeka lak (O Allah, here i am at your service.You have no partner. Here i am at your service.Verily,all the praise and the grace belong to you,and the Dominion[as well]. You have no partner)." The pilgrim states these words when he enters into the inviolable state at appointed location before going beyond that point.It is recommende to repeat these words over and over, and for them to say them aloud.one should start saying these words again at every moment of descending,riding,before the begining of the prayer, after the prayer is finished and so forth. During the umrah one discontinues saying these words upon the throwing of the pebbles at al-Uqbah. The second essential component: The Circumambulation This refers to going around the House of Allah seven times. There are seven conditions to this act, they includes: (1) Having the intention at the time of beginning the act. (2) Being free of any impurities or conditions that nullify a person's state of purity. (3) Covering the private parts since the circumambulation is like prayer (4) Circumambulating within the confines of the grand mosque itself, even if one is far from the house. (5) Having the house of Allah on one's left side while circumambulating. (6) Circumambulating the house seven times. (7) Making each circuit after each other,without any unnecessary breaks. Recommended Aspects for the circumambulation: (1) Al-raml, this act is recomended for capable men, but not for women.It refers to the act of jogging during the circuit but with close steps.It is only recommended in the first set of circumambulations when one arrives at the kaaba,Known as tawaaf al-qudoom. As recorded in Muslim on the autority of Umar that the prophet made raml from the black stone on the first three circuits and then walked the last Four. (2) Baring the right shoulder,((As recorded by imam Ahmed that the prophet (peace be upon him) and his companions made the Umrah from al-jaraanah and uncover their right shoulders, putting their garments under their right armpit and throwing them over the left shoulder.)). This is also only for the first circumambulation upon arriving at makkah: and it is also only for men and not for women.It is done during all seven circuit. (3) Kissing the black stone upon beginning the circumambulation and in every circuit thereafter, if possible.It is also recommended to touch the Yemeni corner of the Kaabah. (4) When beginning the first circuit, one should say,"In the name of Allah and Allah is greatest. O Allah, [I perform this act] with belief in you and attesting to your book and fulfilling Your pact and following the sunnah of Your prophet" (5) Making supplication throughout the circumambulation. No specific supplication is required; one may say whatever supplication one is led by Allah to say.However,it is recommended that when ending a circuit to say; "O our Lord, give us in this world good and in the Hereafter good and save us from the punishmeent of the fire" (6) Making supplication at al-Multazim after finishing the circumambulation. Al-Multazim is the place between the door to the kaabah and the Black Stone. (7) After finishingt the circuits, one should pray two rakats behind the "station of Abraham," reciting soorahs al-Kafiroon and al-Ikhlass after al-Faatihah. (8) Drink some water from the well of zamzam and one should infact drink one's fill of it after finishing the two rakats. (9) One should return to the Black Stone and touch it before moving on to the sa'ee . The Third Essential compnent: The Sa'ee The sa'ee is the walking back and forth between the mounts of al-saffa and al-Marwa with the intention of worship.It is an essentail component of both the hajj and the umrah. The conditons of the sa'ee are; (1) The intention,for the prophet (peace be upon him) said; "Sure, all actions are but driven by intentions."(Recorded by al-Bukhari). (2) It must be in the correct chronological order with respect to the circumambulation; that is, the circumambulation must be done first followed by the sa;ee. (3) Each of its circuit must be done right after the other; however,a small break does not cause any harm,especially if there is some need for it. (4) One must complete seven trips [four going and three returning, not a total of seven going and coming]. If one trip or part of one trip is missing, it will not be sufficient.Its correctness depends on all of the trips being completed. (5) It must be performed after a correct and valid circumambulation, regardless of whether that circumambulation be of an obligatory or recommended nature. The Recommended Acts of the Sa'ee: (1) Jogging between the the two green makers; This marks the place between which Haajr,the mother of ismaeel,paced back and forth. This is recommended for men who have the ability to do so and not for those who are weak or for women. (2) One should stop at or on top of al-safa and al-Marwal to supplicate. (3) One should make suppications during each of the trips between al-safa and al-Marwah. (4) One should say. "Allahu akbar (Allah is greatest)" three times upon ascending both al-safa and al-Marwa each time one reaches them; one should also say: "There is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One, for whom there is no partner. To Him belong the dominion and to Him is the praise.And He has power over all things.He fulfilled His promise. supported His servant and vanquished the parties by Himself." (5) The sa'ee should be performed immediately after the circumambulation such that there is no break between them without a valid reason . The Fourth Essential Component; Stopping at Arafah The fourth essentail act is stopping at Arafah. What this actually means is being present at the place Known as Arafah, for a small portion of time or more, With the intention of stopping there between the time of noon untill dawn on the tenth day of Dhul-l-Hijjah. If a person misses this stopping at Arafah,he has missed the entire hajj and should then simply perform umrah and make up that hajj at a later time.He must also make sacrifice,even if he had not made that a part of his rites prior.If an enemy is preventing one from reaching the house of Allah, he should make a sacrifice and then leave the inviolable state.If he is prevented due to an illness or running out of expenditures and he laid down then the condition,"I become free of the inviolable state and wherever I am confined," he leaves the inviolable state and there is no other act he must perform. However, if he did not make that condition, he must make a sacrifice that is easy upon him. The obligatory Acts of Hajj They are seven; (1) Entering the inviolable state before preceding beyond the required locations (2) Staying at Arafah until the sunset for the one who is there during the daytime. (3) Spending the night- at least untill after midnight-before the day of sacrifice at Muzdalifah. (4) Residing in Mina during the days of Tashreeq. (5) Throwing the pebbles in their proper order. (6) Shaving or cutting one's hair. (7) Performing the farewell circumambulation. The Obligatory Acts of Umrah They are two; (1) Entering the inviolable state-for those who live in Makkah it is from wherever they are and for those from outside it is at the appointed locations. (2) Shaving or cutting the hair. Important Notes If a person fails to perorm one of the essential acts, his rites are not complete unless he performs it. If a person fails to perform an obligatory act, this must be compesated for by sacrificing an animal. If a person fails to perform a recommended act, there is nothing he must then do. Act Forbidden for one in the inviolable state The Forbidden Act are deeds that if the person making hajj or umrah does any of the, it is obligatory upon him to make a sacrifies, fast or feed others. They are as follows; (1) Cutting one's hair on any part of the body. (2) Trimming the finger or toe nails. (3) Covering the head (for men) and covering the face for women, unless men who are not related to them should be passing by. (4) Wearing sewn clothing by men, such as a long shirt or pants. (5) Using perfume (6) Killing land game that is normally permissible to eat. (7) Getting maried (8) Having sexual intercourse; (9) Having contact with women in a manner less than intercourse From the book Fiqh made easy |
Current Time
Saturday, August 27, 2016
HAJJ and UMRAH 1437/2016
Dua for Hajj and umrah
Summary of Day 4 , 5 & 6 -- 11 ,12 & 13 D.hijja
Hajj Services in 10 Languages
Summary of Day 03 -- The 10 of Dhul Hijjah
Summary of Day 02...The 9 of Dhul Hijjah
maximum of 60,000 participants.
Infographics #8755
Hajj Week 1442 / 2021
Dhul Hijjah 08 ---- July 18
Dhul Hijjah. 09 -------. July 19
Dhul Hijjah. -10 -------- July 20
Dhul Hijjah 11 --------. July 21
Dhul Hijjah 12 ------- July 22
Dhul Hijjah 13 ---------. July 23
Highlights - Saudi Arabia --Canada
- 2020-03-31 -
- 2019-06-17 -
- 2018-12-15 -
- 2018-08-01 -
- 2018-07-24 -
- 2018-02-13 -
- 2017-12-20 -
- 2016-11-02 -
- 2016-10-31 -
- 2016-05-19 -
- 2016-05-17 -
- 2016-05-03 -
- 2016-02-22 -
- 2016-01-31 -
- 2016-01-03 -
- 2015-12-19 -
- 2015-12-17 -
- 2015-12-11 -
- 2015-11-27 -
- 2015-11-04 -
- 2015-09-12 -
- 2015-08-31 -
- 2015-01-09 -
- 2014-09-23 -
- 2014-04-30 -
- 2014-01-21 -
Summary of Day 3
Go to Mina after Fajr.
Perform Rami (pelting) of Jamarah al-Aqaba (the big pillar).
Perform Hady (animal sacrifice).
Perform Halq / Taqsir (get your hair shaved or trimmed).
Proceed to Makkah.
Perform Tawaf al-Ziyarah.
Perform Sa’i.
Go back to Mina (unless you have a valid excuse to stay in Makkah).
Saudi Arabia -- Canada
Summary of Day 1
If you are performing Hajj al-Tamattu, you will do the following:
Purify yourself.
Wear the Ihram.
Perform two Rakats of Salah.
Make your Niyyah for Hajj and recite Talbiyah, preferably at Masjid al-Haram.
Proceed to Mina before Dhuhr.
Recite the Talbiyah frequently.
Perform your Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha at Mina.
Stay there overnight.
If you are performing Hajj al-Ifrad or Hajj al-Qiran, you will do the following:
Proceed to Mina before Dhuhr.
Recite the Talbiyah frequently.
Perform your Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha at Mina.
Stay there overnight.
One Day at the Haram
Umrah and Hajj Visas
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Eid Takbeers

The Tenth of Dhul Hijjah
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The city of Mecca and the surrounding areas are unsurpassed in its historical and religious significance to more than 1.9 billion people around the world. Mecca is the holiest city in the world in Islam. Prophet Muhammad (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born in Mecca.
The first verses of the Holy Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad () in a cave named Hira on Mount Al-Nur on the outskirts of Mecca. The holiest site in Islam, the Kaaba, is located in Mecca. The direction of ritual prayer, called the Qiblah, is to the Kaaba in Mecca. The holiest water in the world to Muslims is found in a well named Zamzam in Mecca. Millions of Muslims make pilgrimage to Mecca every year known as Umrah and Hajj. Mecca and Medina will be the only two cities in the world protected by rows of angels that will not let the Anti-Christ (Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal) en
Mecca is the birthplace of Prophet Muhammad (). Mecca is also the holiest city in the world in Islam.
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Dictionary ,Glossary , Terminology
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DEFINITIONS:Glossary of Hajj terminologies
DEFINITIONS:Glossary of Hajj terminologies
Dhul-Hijjah: The last month of the Islamic calendar during which Hajj is performed.
Arafat, Mina, Muzdalifah: Desert locations some distance from Makkah where various important Hajj rites are performed.
Dam or Kaffarah: The expiation or atonement required from a pilgrim for any violation of a prohibition or obligation while in a state of Ihram.
Halq: The act of completely shaving his head by the male pilgrim on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. This is the last thing he does before getting out of the state of Ihram. For female pilgrims Halq is satisfied if they trim their hair by about an inch.
Taqseer: Shortening or clipping of the whole head of hair by the male pilgrim following the completion of Hajj in lieu of Halq.
Ihram: The distinctive garb of the male pilgrim. It consists of two pieces of white, unsewn and plain cloth. One piece is wrapped around the waist from just above the navel to just above the ankles, and the other is draped around the shoulders. For ladies their everyday ordinary and simple clothes constitute their Ihram.
Idtiba: This is the special way a pilgrim drapes the Ihram during Tawaf al-Qudum. One end of the Ihram is draped over his left shoulder back-to-front. The other end goes across his back, under his right arm, across his front, and is finally draped over his left shoulder. Idtiba is not observed in any other type of Tawaf. For ladies the question of Idtiba does not arise since they wear no Ihram.
Istilam: The act of kissing Hajar-al-Aswad at the beginning and the end of each circuit (shawt) of the Kabah during Tawaf is called Istilam. If it is not possible to kiss Hajar al-Aswad you may raise your hand towards it at appropriate times and then kiss your own hand.
Jamarat: These are three stone pillars in Mina that symbolically represent the locations where Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) is said to have stoned the devil (shaitan) in rejection of his efforts to dissuade Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) from the path of Allah. You will be stoning these pillars on the 10th thru the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah in commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim's rejection of the shaitan.
Maqam Ibrahim: The step stone used by Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) during his construction of the Kabah. It is housed
construction of the Kabah. It is housed in a glass enclosure near the Kabah.
Miqat: An imaginary boundary around Makkah which a pilgrim can not cross without changing into Ihram. You will change into Ihram at Miqat and prononce your intention (niyyah) to perform Hajj or Umrah.
Ramal: The ritual in which the male pilgrims are required to walk briskly with their chests thrust forward and their shoulders slightly rolling during the first three circuits of Tawaf al-Qudum.
Rami: The act of symbolically stoning the devil (shaitan) in the shape of Jamarat in Mina on the 10th thru the 13th of Dhull-Hijjah.
Safa and Marwah: Two small knolls (hills) near the Kabah inside Haram al-Shareef. The pilgrims perform Sa'i by walking back and forth between them to retrace the footsteps of Hajar (wife of Prophet Ibrahim) during her search for water for her infant son Isma'il (a.s.).
Sa'i: The devotional act of walking seven times between Safa and Marwah to commemorate Hajar's desperate search for water for her son Isma'il (a.s.).
Talbiya: A devotional recital of the following words by the pilgrims after changing into Ihram and, thereafter, throughout Hajj. Ladies recite the Talbiya in a low voice:
Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik. Labbaik, La Sharika Laka Labbaik. Innal-Hamda, Wan-Ni'mata Laka wal-Mulk. La Sharika Lak.
(Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partner. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is the Sovereignty. Thou hast no partner.)
Tawaf: The devotional act of circumambulating (i.e., walking around) the Kabah in a specific manner while reciting prayers. Each complete circuit around the Kabah is called a shawt (plural: ashwat). Seven ashwat constitute a complete Tawaf.
Umrah: A set of devotional acts performed in Makkah in a specific manner. Umrah does not involve any rites at Mina, Arafat or Muzdalifah.
Hajj: One of the five pillars of Islam, Hajj is a set of acts of worship performed in and around Makkah in an order and manner prescribed by Allah and Rasul Allah (s.a.w.). Every Muslim fulfilling certain conditions is required to perforn Hajj at least once in a lifetime.
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