Sunday, July 18, 2021

8th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Tarwiyah Day


8th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Tarwiyah Day

Location: Mina Duration: Afternoon – Fajr next day

  1. At noon this Day, the pilgrim performs Ihram from anywhere he stays where he intends to perform the rites of Hajj.
  2. Before reciting the Talbiyah, the pilgrim should do the following:- Take a bath, clip his nails, trim his moustache, shave the pubic hair then put on 2 clean white seamless garments (Izar and Rida), women put on any regular decent dress, but she should not use face veils and gloves and she should leave the face and the hands uncovered but she is allowed to cover her face with her garment or head cover that is not a niqab when men approach.
  3. For ‘Qarin’ and ‘Ifrad’, it is not allowed for the pilgrim to shave or shorten the hair as the Mutamatti does, because they are still in the state of Ihram.
  4. It is a Sunnah for the pilgrim to cover his shoulders when he puts on Ihram dress.
  5. Then he says “Here I am My Lord, I intend to perform Hajj”.
  6. If the pilgrim fears that anything may detain him from completing Hajj, he can make his intention conditional by saying: “If I am detained by anything, my release from Ihram shall be where I am detained. Whenever he is detained by anything, he can discard his Ihram without any penalty.
  7. When the pilgrim intends Hajj, he must avoid all forbidden acts of Ihram.
  8. The pilgrim recites the Talbiya very often and does not stop reciting till he reaches Mina where he pelts jamarat Al-Aqaba on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah.
  9. Then he proceeds to Mina reciting the Talbiya and there he prays Noon prayer (Dhuhr), Afternoon prayer (Asr), Sunset prayer (Maghrib), Evening Prayer (Isha) and Dawn Prayer (Fajr). He is not allowed to combine the prayers, rather he is only allowed to shorten the 4-rak’at prayers.
  10. The Prophet ﷺ did not maintain the supererogatory prayers which is called Sunnah Rawatib. During his travel, he would only practice the two optional Rakaat before the morning prayer and also the Witr prayer (after Isha prayer).
  11. The pilgrim should maintain the supplications said by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, especially the supplications of morning evening & sleeping.
  12. The pilgrim stays in Mina this night.

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