Saturday, August 8, 2020



Saudi Arabia: Hajj/Umrah Pilgrimage

Salim Parker, Joanna Gaines


Hajj and Umrah are religious pilgrimages to Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Islamic religious doctrine dictates that every able-bodied adult Muslim who can afford to do so is obligated to make Hajj at least once in his or her lifetime. Hajj takes place from the 8th through the 12th day of the last month of the Islamic year (Dhul Hijah). The timing of Hajj (based on the lunar Islamic calendar) varies with respect to the Gregorian calendar, occurring about 11 days earlier each successive year (for example, it was held August 19–24 in 2018 and in 2019, August 9–14). Muslims may perform Umrah, the “minor pilgrimage,” any time of the year; unlike Hajj, Umrah is not compulsory.

Approximately 2 million Muslims from >183 countries make Hajj each year and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) continues its efforts to allow for an even greater number of pilgrims. Annually, over 11,000 pilgrims travel from the United States. Most international pilgrims fly into Jeddah or Medina and take a bus to Mecca. Pilgrims then travel by foot or by bus approximately 5 miles (8 km) to the tent city of Mina, the largest temporary city in the world, where most pilgrims stay in air-conditioned tents.

At dawn on the ninth day of Dhul Hijah, pilgrims begin a nearly 9 mile (14.4 km) trip (by foot, by bus or by train) to the Plain of Arafat (Map 10-02). During the summer months, in particular, daytime temperatures can reach 122°F (50°C). Though the route features mist sprinklers, the risk of heat-related illnesses is high, and ambulances and medical stations along the route provide needed medical assistance. Hajj climaxes on the Plain of Arafat, a few miles east of Mecca. Pilgrims spend the day in supplication, praying and reading the Quran. Being on Arafat on the ninth of Dhul Hijah, even if only for a few moments, is an absolute rite of Hajj. Any hajji who fails to reach the Plain of Arafat on that day must repeat his or her pilgrimage. After sunset, pilgrims begin a 5.5 mile (9 km) journey to Muzdalifah, where most sleep in the open air. Potential threats to health there include thick dust, inadequate and overcrowded washing and sanitation facilities, and the possibility of separation or becoming lost.

At sunrise on the 10th, pilgrims collect small pebbles to carry to Jamaraat, the site of multiple deadly crowd crush disasters. At Jamaraat, hajjis throw 7 tiny pebbles at the largest of 3 white pillars—the stoning of the effigy of the Devil. Afterwards, it is traditional for pilgrims to sacrifice an animal. Some purchase vouchers to have licensed abattoirs perform this ritual on their behalf, thereby limiting their potential exposure to zoonotic diseases. Others may visit farms where they sacrifice an animal themselves or have it done by an appointed representative.

The next morning, hajjis go to the Grand Mosque, which houses the Ka’aba (“The Cube”), which Muslims consider the house of God. Pilgrims perform tawaf, 7 complete counterclockwise circuits around the Ka’aba. Because each floor of the 3-level mosque can hold 750,000 people, performing tawaf can take hours. In addition to tawaf, pilgrims may perform sa’i, walking (sometimes running) 7 times between the hills of Safa and Marwah, then drinking water from the Well of Zamzam. Hajjis may travel between Safa and Marwah via air-conditioned tunnels, with separate sections for walkers, runners, and disabled pilgrims. At the end of the day, pilgrims return to Mina (via Jamaraat) pelting all 3 pillars with pebbles along the way.

The following day, after performing a final tawaf, pilgrims leave Mecca, ending their Hajj. Although not required, hajjis may add a trip to Medina where they visit the Mosque of the Prophet, home to the tomb of Mohammed.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Between Safa and Marwa


Between Safa and Marwa

I began to run, looking for water, looking for Zamzam for my baby. I began to run faster and faster between Safa and Marwa asking Allah to help my baby. Please let me find water. It was at this point that I stopped, right in the middle of everyone, and could not believe what was happening. I literally was reenacting what Hajjar did. 


Life is seldom foreshadowed for us like in a work of fiction. We usually have to wait to understand the significance of an event. So, when it happens in real life, it holds your attention transfixed. For months my dreams were filled with images of Ibrahim (AS), Hajjar and the desert, and the sweeping expanse between Safa and Marwa. I tucked the dreams away in the folds of my mind with little expectation. 

Soon after my family and I received an invitation to attend Ummrah, all expenses paid. It was an invitation extended to several convert sisters living in the United Arab Emirates. It was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but I was not traveling alone. 

When the idea was first proposed to me, I was anything but enthusiastic. The idea of traveling with a ten-year-old, eight-year-old, six-year-old, five-year-old and a nursing six-month-old, during Ramadan in the middle of summer, was daunting. My five children and their father would all embark for Ummrah together. 

I thought about all the extra clothes, piles of diapers, and a ready supply of snacks I would need to pack – contemplating dragging five children around Saudi Arabia while attempting to perform Ummrah was not how I envisioned this spiritual journey. I was focusing so much on what could go wrong, and yet, I did not want my children or me to miss out on such a great opportunity and a few of the women joining us volunteered to help me. We were living in Dubai and the opportunity may not come again, so I agreed.

In my experience, I’ve found that if I just let go, and rely on Allah, everything has a way of unfolding in the most incredible way. I knew that if Allah was planning this trip, I did not need to worry. I also knew that with the help of Allah, enough diapers and baby’s on-demand food supply (me), and a little help from my sisters in Islam anything was possible. So, I prepared the family for the journey.

I wanted to experience something great and out of the ordinary when we walked out the front door – and it was with this sentiment and a strong desire to connect with Allah that I set off for Ummrah. Flying into Madinah, it was apparent to me that there was something special about this trip. I had hoped for this to be a special trip, but I didn’t want to start reading anything into this yet. However, at the risk of sounding cliché, the visit was dreamlike. I moved around Madinah as if surrounded by a gossamer haze. My children loved being in this blessed city, mashAllah, and didn’t fuss, not even the baby.  

The day I entered the masjid of the Prophet (swa), I was filled with such joy and elation. I was finally going to meet the Prophet (swa), the man who had occupied so much time in my dreams. No one could understand what this moment meant to me. I walked slowly and softly, tears in my eyes. I was hoping something would happen. Would the ground shake? Would I hear his voice? I did not know, but I was there and I wanted to savor the moment so I could remember its taste for the rest of my life. While everyone around me rushed to the Prophet’s (swa) grave, I crept slowly, trying to stretch the time.

I felt like it was only he and I. Everyone else seemed like ghosts or beings occupying a parallel dimension. It was only Rasul Allah (swa) and I. 

I hoped I was not going to be a disappointment to him. I stood in front of his grave as the crowd swirled around me and the guards rushed them by. I said asalaam alaikum and prayed for his family. I wanted to thank him (swa) for being my friend when I was alone. I wanted to tell him how much he meant to me, but all I could do was cry softly because I knew he already knew. What words could I say anyway? I stood there for as long as I could, the crowd, the guards, and my children moving me on, but it felt so special. I was visiting an old friend and inshaAllah I would again. Did anyone else feel this way? Did it matter?

We took a bus to Makkah a few days later. I was a bit tired, well, I was very tired, and the baby was constantly nursing, but fatigue would soon be lifted. The tops of the minarets of the Kabbah came into view. You could not help but openly sob, your body filled with a surge of energy and purpose. Here we were, fulfilling the deepest desire of every Muslim; you had to be grateful. The duaa you say as you approach Makkah are almost frantic – you do not want to waste one moment to pray after you see the Kabbah. 

We arrived at about two in the morning. The group decided we would sleep for a bit and perform our Ummrah after fajr prayer. We slept for literally a few hours because we had to eat suhur before fajr. I prepared my daughters and my husband helped our sons get ready. Before we left, I put the baby in her backpack and put her on my back for the first part of our Ummrah. 

You hear horror stories about people’s negative experiences in Makkah, but everyone was so polite to us. Even the Makkah policeman called my daughter habibati as he asked her to move out of the way. Three of my children would perform their Ummrah without me. They were with sisters that were traveling with us, but as a mother, I still needed to keep then in my sight. There were not too many people at this time and the summer heat was not yet upon us. I tried to concentrate, but I do have to admit that I kept looking for my children. At one point the kickstand to the baby backpack came out and I was turned around in a circle by the mass of people. Someone eventually put it down and I could walk straight ahead again.

My five-year-old was also with me. I remember her little legs moving quickly as she kept up with me. I kept whispering into her ear how good she was doing. Towards the end I saw how hot and tired she was. At that point, she looked up at me – “help me” was written all over her face. I thought what can I say, I cannot pick her up, I have the baby on my back. Oh Allah, what can I say to encourage her these last few steps?  I told her, “After we finish, habibati, I will buy you anything you want.” Her face lit up and she charged ahead, al hamdulillah.

I prayed two rakka in front of Kabbah, but I was hot, and my back was aching. I felt a bit dazed by how many people there were and wondered how I could keep track of all my children. So, I prayed, there was nothing else I could do. I am still amazed at how smoothly the trip went and how I had the strength physically and mentally to deal with everything. This was Allah’s mercy.

We went to perform the last part of our Ummrah, the part between Safa and Marwa. The baby now went to her father. I started to say my duaa as soon as we started to move. I whispered to my children what they should say. After we completed two circuits, I noticed the baby did not look well. I touched her hand and she did not respond. I touched her cheek; she was very hot. I told her father I would bring Zamzam water inshallah. I went to each waterspout, but they were empty, it was Ramadan.

I then went in the direction of Safa and checked the rows of water faucets, but no water. I walked faster to catch up to the baby. I said to my husband, “there’s no water, but I’ll try again.”  I touched the baby’s cheek and her head flopped to the side; her eyes were listless. This was not good, but all I could do was pray that she would be ok. There was no way to leave. I began to run, looking for water, looking for Zamzam for my baby. I began to run faster and faster between Safa and Marwa asking Allah to help my baby. Please let me find water. It was at this point that I stopped, right in the middle of everyone, and could not believe what was happening. I literally was reenacting what Hajjar did. 

I knew this was a special moment, something that did not happen all the time. It was what all mothers do. We fight for our children. We work for them, even to the extent of neglecting our worship of Allah. I knew I had to make a choice then; what was I going to do? I could not let my baby die, but I also could not neglect my worship or lose this opportunity to perform my Ummrah properly.

I began to run as fast as I could, but I said my duaa as I did, and as I did, I felt a real sense of purpose. I had to finish my Ummrah and go get Zamzam for my baby. It was another fifteen minutes before I could get the Zamzam water to her. When I did I said “Safaki allho afaki,” may Allah heal you, into the cup. Within seconds she was fine.

As I ran between Safa and Marwa I was reminded that even though I am a mother, I am still a woman and I had to find a balance between the two. Life is about finding balance, about the choices we make and how we respond to the obstacles we face.

All too often society asks women to make sacrifices. It is expected. Women sacrifice to become mothers and as mothers, we continue to make sacrifices for our children. Our role is important and many times our contributions are undervalued by society because we are seldom honored as women by our Muslim communities. This needs to change in order to build healthy and strong societies to replace the brittle and weak communities this Ummah has become. We need to remember the sacrifices of Ibrahim (AS) and learn from them while implementing them into our lives. As mothers, we are all Hajjar in search of Zamzam water for her child. As Muslim women and men, we are called on to sacrifice, in big and small ways, to make a strong Ummah.

Our choices not only define who we are, but they also define what the Ummah is. Our Ummah is collapsing one person at a time, one family at a time, one community at a time, and country by country. Islam can no longer only be a collection of rituals we perform with no connection to our private and collective lives. It needs to live in each of us and be our guide if we hope for Allah to change our situation. We are all running between Safa and Marwa right now, looking for Zamzam, that thing that will heal us and bring us life and comfort. 

The foreshadowing did not lay in my pre-Ummrah dream, but instead in pointing to the tremendous changes that were about to happen to my family and I. It was a message that would serve as my guide in the days and years ahead. It was a comfort during an extremely painful and lonely time and a reminder that Allah would send the help when I needed, just as He helped Hajjar in her time of need. Islam and life are about sacrifice, but it is also about trusting in Allah’s plan and putting in the work – saying bismillah and tying your camel.

Now more than ever, we need your support…

The Muslim Vibe is a non-profit media platform aiming to inspire, inform and empower Muslims like you. Our goal is to provide a space for young Muslims to learn about their faith as well as news stories affecting them, so we can reclaim the Muslim narrative from the mainstream.

Your support will help us achieve this goal, and enable us to produce more original content. Your support can help us in the fight against Islamophobia, by building a powerful platform for young Muslims who can share their ideas, experiences and opinions for a better future.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

8th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Tarwiyah Day

8th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Tarwiyah Day

Location: Mina Duration: Afternoon – Fajr next day

  1. At noon this Day, the pilgrim performs Ihram from anywhere he stays where he intends to perform the rites of Hajj.
  2. Before reciting the Talbiyah, the pilgrim should do the following:- Take a bath, clip his nails, trim his moustache, shave the pubic hair then put on 2 clean white seamless garments (Izar and Rida), women put on any regular decent dress, but she should not use face veils and gloves and she should leave the face and the hands uncovered but she is allowed to cover her face with her garment or head cover that is not a niqab when men approach.
  3. For ‘Qarin’ and ‘Ifrad’, it is not allowed for the pilgrim to shave or shorten the hair as the Mutamatti does, because they are still in the state of Ihram.
  4. It is a Sunnah for the pilgrim to cover his shoulders when he puts on Ihram dress.
  5. Then he says “Here I am My Lord, I intend to perform Hajj”.
  6. If the pilgrim fears that anything may detain him from completing Hajj, he can make his intention conditional by saying: “If I am detained by anything, my release from Ihram shall be where I am detained. Whenever he is detained by anything, he can discard his Ihram without any penalty.
  7. When the pilgrim intends Hajj, he must avoid all forbidden acts of Ihram.
  8. The pilgrim recites the Talbiya very often and does not stop reciting till he reaches Mina where he pelts jamarat Al-Aqaba on the 10th day of Dhul-Hijjah.
  9. Then he proceeds to Mina reciting the Talbiya and there he prays Noon prayer (Dhuhr), Afternoon prayer (Asr), Sunset prayer (Maghrib), Evening Prayer (Isha) and Dawn Prayer (Fajr). He is not allowed to combine the prayers, rather he is only allowed to shorten the 4-rak’at prayers.
  10. The Prophet ﷺ did not maintain the supererogatory prayers which is called Sunnah Rawatib. During his travel, he would only practice the two optional Rakaat before the morning prayer and also the Witr prayer (after Isha prayer).
  11. The pilgrim should maintain the supplications said by Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, especially the supplications of morning evening & sleeping.
  12. The pilgrim stays in Mina this night.

9th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Arafah

9th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Arafah

Location: Arafah Duration: Afternoon – After sunset

  1. After sunrise on Ninth Day of Dhul-Hijjah, the pilgrim has to set out from Mina to Arafah reciting Talbiya and saying Allah is the Greatest (Allahu Akbar).
  2. It is detestable (Makruh) to fast on this Day of Arafah, for the Prophet ﷺ stood in Arafat having breakfast with milk in the presence of all pilgrims.
  3. It is sunnah for the pilgrim to stay in Namirah till after midday, if that is possible.
  4. Listen to the Khutbah (sermon) at the Mosque of Namirah, then combine in advance and shorten Dhuhr and Asr prayer (Noon and Afternoon Prayer).
  5. The pilgrim must be sure when he enters Arafah that he is inside Arafah, because the Valley of U’rana is not a part of Arafah.
  6. The pilgrim is recommended to raise his hands and face the Qibla while supplicating and remembering Allah till sunset.
  7. The whole of Arafah is reserved for Wuquf (standing). If the pilgrim can keep the Mountain of Rahma between him and the Qibla, it will be better.

  1. It is not the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ to climb the mountain.
  2. The pilgrim must recite this dua often, “There is no God but Allah, Alone. He has no partner. Sovereignty belongs to Him, and praise too, He gives life and takes it. He has power over all things”.
  3. The pilgrim must continually send blessing on Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
  4. The pilgrim must not leave Arafah till the sunset.
  5. After sunset, the pilgrim moves from Arafah to Muzadalifa calmly. If he finds a wide space he can move quickly.
  6. In Muzdalifa, the pilgrim performs the Maghrib Prayer and Isha Prayer together at the time of the latter. He should not pray any extra prayer except Witr prayer.
  7. The pilgrim sleeps till dawn. Women and weak people may leave for Mina at any time after midnight, or disappearance of the moon.

10th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Sacrifice

10th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Sacrifice

Location: Muzadalifa, Mina, Makkah Duration: Afternoon – Fajr next day

Then you have to do the following:

  1. Throw seven pebbles at Jamarat Al-Aqaba in a successive way and recite Takbir with every pebble. Then the pilgrim slaughters Hadi (“It is an obligation for the Mutamatia’ and the Qarin only”). He eats from the sacrifice and distributes some to the poor.
  2. The pilgrim shortens or shaves the hair from all parts of your head. It is better to shave it (for men only). Women are to cut only a fingertip of their hair. At this time, all the prohibitions of Ihram state become permissible except for sexual intercourse. Hence, the pilgrim can wear your clothes and apply perfume, etc. The first discharge of Ihram happens with performing two of three – pelting, shaving and Tawaf.
  3. Then the pilgrim returns to Makkah and perform the main circumambulation (Tawaf Al-Ifada).
  4. In the case of Tamattu, the pilgrim should perform Sa’ee between Safa and Marwa and also in the case of Ifrad and Qiran, if he did not perform Sa’ee after Circumambulation of Arrival (Tawaf Al-Qudoum). Then the pilgrim will be allowed all-things prohibited due to state of Ihram including sexual intercourse with his wife.
  5. There is no harm for the pilgrim if he does something out of order for example he shaves before throwing – there is no harm on him.
  6. Drink the water of Zamzam and perform Noon prayer in Makkah if possible.
  7. The pilgrim has to stay the night in Mina.

11th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Sacrifice

11th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Sacrifice

Location: Mina | Duration: Afternoon – Fajr next day

  1. The pilgrim should maintain the five prescribed congregational prayers while spending nights at Mina.
  2. During Tashriq Days (11th, 12th, 13th of Dhul-Hijja) recite Takbir (Allah is Greatest) very often after prayers which is called restricted remembrance where as the absolute remembrance can be recited at any time and in any place.
  3. The pilgrims start throwing pebbles at each of three Jamarat after mid day. So you start with small Jamarat, then the middle Jamarat, after that the Al-Aqaba Jamara which is called (Big Jamarat).
  4. Throw seven pebbles at each of the three Jamarat successively.
  5. After throwing seven pebbles at the small Jamarat successively, the pilgrim faces the Qibla with the small Jamarat on your left and keep Khaif mosque on your right. Then the pilgrim supplicates to Allah longer as Prophet Muhammad ﷺ did.
  6. After pelting the middle Jamarat, the pilgrim keeps it on your right facing Qibla and supplicate and entreat for long.
  7. After throwing at Jamarat Al-Aqaba the pilgrim leaves immediately and not stand for supplication.
  8. It is permissible to pelt at night if necessary.
  9. Then the pilgrim spends the night in Mina.

12th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Sacrifice

12th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Sacrifice

Location: Mina | Duration: Afternoon – Fajr next day

  1. While staying the nights in Mina, you should make use of your time by remembering Allah and doing good deeds.
  2. After mid day, you must throw pebbles at each of the three Jamarat successively as you did before.
  3. After throwing, if you want to leave sooner, you are allowed to do so.
  4. You have to leave before sunset and make Farewell Circumambulation.
  5. It is better for the pilgrim to stay late for throwing.
  6. It is better to pray during your stay in Mina on the Days of Tashreeq in Al-Khaif Mosque.

13th Day of Dhul-Hijjah – Day of Sacrifice

13th Day of Dhul-Hijjah – Day of Sacrifice

Location: Mina | Duration: Afternoon – Fajr next day

  1. After you stay the night in Mina, you pelt the three Jamarat exactly as you did on the 11th and 12th Day.
  2. If you intend to go back home, perform Farewell Circumambulation (Tawaf Al-Wada). Women in the state of menstruation or puerperium (child birth bleeding) are exempted from performing this final circumambulation.
  3. By this, you have finished your Hajj and praise be to Allah.

DEFINITIONS:Glossary of Hajj terminologies


Dhul-Hijjah: The last month of the Islamic calendar during which Hajj is performed.

Arafat, Mina, Muzdalifah: Desert locations some distance from Makkah where various important Hajj rites are performed.

Dam or Kaffarah: The expiation or atonement required from a pilgrim for any violation of a prohibition or obligation while in a state of Ihram.

Halq: The act of completely shaving his head by the male pilgrim on the 10th of Dhul-Hijjah. This is the last thing he does before getting out of the state of Ihram. For female pilgrims Halq is satisfied if they trim their hair by about an inch.

Taqseer: Shortening or clipping of the whole head of hair by the male pilgrim following the completion of Hajj in lieu of Halq.

Ihram: The distinctive garb of the male pilgrim. It consists of two pieces of white, unsewn and plain cloth. One piece is wrapped around the waist from just above the navel to just above the ankles, and the other is draped around the shoulders. For ladies their everyday ordinary and simple clothes constitute their Ihram.

Idtiba: This is the special way a pilgrim drapes the Ihram during Tawaf al-Qudum. One end of the Ihram is draped over his left shoulder back-to-front. The other end goes across his back, under his right arm, across his front, and is finally draped over his left shoulder. Idtiba is not observed in any other type of Tawaf. For ladies the question of Idtiba does not arise since they wear no Ihram.

Istilam: The act of kissing Hajar-al-Aswad at the beginning and the end of each circuit (shawt) of the Kabah during Tawaf is called Istilam. If it is not possible to kiss Hajar al-Aswad you may raise your hand towards it at appropriate times and then kiss your own hand.

Jamarat: These are three stone pillars in Mina that symbolically represent the locations where Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) is said to have stoned the devil (shaitan) in rejection of his efforts to dissuade Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) from the path of Allah. You will be stoning these pillars on the 10th thru the 13th of Dhul-Hijjah in commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim's rejection of the shaitan.

Maqam Ibrahim: The step stone used by Prophet Ibrahim (a.s.) during his construction of the Kabah. It is housed in a glass enclosure near the Kabah.

Miqat: An imaginary boundary around Makkah which a pilgrim can not cross without changing into Ihram. You will change into Ihram at Miqat and prononce your intention (niyyah) to perform Hajj or Umrah.

Ramal: The ritual in which the male pilgrims are required to walk briskly with their chests thrust forward and their shoulders slightly rolling during the first three circuits of Tawaf al-Qudum.

Rami: The act of symbolically stoning the devil (shaitan) in the shape of Jamarat in Mina on the 10th thru the 13th of Dhull-Hijjah.

Safa and Marwah: Two small knolls (hills) near the Kabah inside Haram al-Shareef. The pilgrims perform Sa'i by walking back and forth between them to retrace the footsteps of Hajar (wife of Prophet Ibrahim) during her search for water for her infant son Isma'il (a.s.).

Sa'i: The devotional act of walking seven times between Safa and Marwah to commemorate Hajar's desperate search for water for her son Isma'il (a.s.).

Talbiya: A devotional recital of the following words by the pilgrims after changing into Ihram and, thereafter, throughout Hajj. Ladies recite the Talbiya in a low voice:

Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik. Labbaik, La Sharika Laka Labbaik. Innal-Hamda, Wan-Ni'mata Laka wal-Mulk. La Sharika Lak.
(Here I am at Thy service O Lord, here I am. Here I am at Thy service and Thou hast no partner. Thine alone is All Praise and All Bounty, and Thine alone is the Sovereignty. Thou hast no partner.)

Tawaf: The devotional act of circumambulating (i.e., walking around) the Kabah in a specific manner while reciting prayers. Each complete circuit around the Kabah is called a shawt (plural: ashwat). Seven ashwat constitute a complete Tawaf.

Umrah: A set of devotional acts performed in Makkah in a specific manner. Umrah does not involve any rites at Mina, Arafat or Muzdalifah.

Hajj: One of the five pillars of Islam, Hajj is a set of acts of worship performed in and around Makkah in an order and manner prescribed by Allah and Rasul Allah (s.a.w.). Every Muslim fulfilling certain conditions is required to perforn Hajj at least once in a lifetime.

Hajj Week 1441/2020

Hajj Week 1441/2020

Tuesday  -- 07 Dhul Hijjah -- July 28 th.

Wednesday -- 08 Dhul Hijjah -- July 29 th.

Thursday -- 09 Dhul Hijjah-- July 30th.

Friday--10 Dhul Hijjah  -- July 31

Saturday  --11 Dhul Hijjah  -- August 01

Sunday--12 Dhul Hijjah  -- August 02

Monday -- 13 Dhul Hijjah  -- August  03 

When is Eid Al-Adha 2020?

When is Eid Al-Adha 2020?

Saudi Arabia announced that July 31 (Friday) will be the first day of Eid Al-Adha.

The Day of Arafat will be on July 30 (Thursday).

Hajj 2020?

Saudi Arabia announced that Hajj will be performed by a limited amount of people this year. These pilgrims are of different nationalities who currently

Hajj 2020 will begin in the evening of
July 28
and ends in the evening of

August 2

Monday, July 27, 2020

Focusing our Efforts to Serve Hajj and Umrah Visitors

Focusing our Efforts to Serve Hajj and Umrah Visitors

Saudi Arabia has assumed a prominent place in the world and has become synonymous with hospitality and a warm welcome to all Muslims. As such, it has carved a special place in the hearts of pilgrims and the faithful everywhere. We have been given the privilege to serve the Two Holy Mosques, the pilgrims and all visitors to the blessed holy sites. In the last decade, the number of Umrah visitors entering the country from abroad has tripled, reaching 8 million people. This is a noble responsibility. It requires us to spare no effort in seeking to offer pilgrims with all they need so we fulfil our duty to provide good hospitality to our brothers and sisters. In this context, we have recently begun a third expansion to the Two Holy Mosques, as well as modernizing and increasing the capacities of our airports. We have launched the Makkah Metro project to complement the railroad and train projects that will serve visitors to the Holy Mosques and holy sites. We have reinforced the network of our transport system to facilitate access and help pilgrims perform their visits with greater ease and convenience. At the same time, we will enrich pilgrims’ spiritual journeys and cultural experiences while in the Kingdom.
We will establish more museums, prepare new tourist and historical sites and cultural venues, and improve the pilgrimage experience within the Kingdom.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

COVID-19 outbreak

Original publication: March 14, 2020

Current Situation

The COVID-19 outbreak is now a global issue, and has been declared to be a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The Public Health Agency of Canada is advising travellers to avoid all non-essential travel outside of Canada.
Many countries are reporting community or widespread transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19, and there is the possibility that the virus could also be present in countries that may not have the capacity to detect or contain the virus.
As foreign governments implement strict travel restrictions and international transportation options continue to become less available, you may have difficulty returning to Canada or may be unable to do so. Local authorities may impose control measures suddenly, including movement restrictions such as quarantine. In some countries, travellers may have limited access to timely and appropriate health care should they become ill.
The Government of Canada's Emergency Order under the Quarantine Act requires persons entering Canada by air, sea or land to isolate for 14 days if they have symptoms of COVID-19, or to quarantine themselves for 14 days if they are asymptomatic to limit the spread of COVID-19.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Canada-Saudi Arabia Relations

In Saudi Arabia, Canada is represented by the Embassy of Canada in Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia is represented in Canada by an Embassy in Ottawa.

Bilateral relations between Canada and Saudi Arabia include common interests on many peace and security issues, including energy security, humanitarian affairs (including refugees), and counter-terrorism. The Saudi government plays an important role in promoting regional peace and stability.

Saudi Arabia is a leader of the Arab and Muslim worlds, and Guardian of the Two Holy Mosques (Mecca and Medina). Every year thousands of Canadians are among the approximately two million Muslims who perform the annual hajj, or pilgrimage, to Mecca.

Saudi Arabia is the world’s leading oil exporter. It holds 25% of the world’s known oil reserves, plays a key role in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and has considerable influence on the global economy.

The Kingdom continues to be an important source of foreign students for Canada. There are more than 15,000 Saudi students in Canada, including 800 resident physicians and specialists who provide care to the Canadian population.

Regarding tradeSaudi Arabia is currently Canada’s second largest export market in the region. Trade and economic interests continue to be at the forefront of Canada’s bilateral relations with Saudi Arabia. However, Canada is seeking to diversify its relations with the Saudi Kingdom.

Hajj and Umrah Fact Sheet

Hajj and Umrah Fact Sheet

General Travel Information:

  • Vaccination certificate will be inspected by Saudi authorities at the port of entry. Check with your tour operator for the requirements.
  • Identification card and wristband issued to all pilgrims by tour operators. Keep them on you at all times.
  • Make sure you have a valid Hajj permit to perform Hajj (Umrah visa for non-residents of Saudi Arabia). The Saudi government enforces strict penalties on people who perform Hajj without permit. The dates used on the Saudi visas are based on Hijri calendar, make sure to convert the dates correctly and note the expiry date.
  • Do not overstay your Hajj or Umrah visa. Penalties for overstays may include a fine of 50,000 Saudi Riyals and six months incarceration followed by deportation.
  • Hajj and Umrah visas are valid for travel only in the vicinities of Jeddah, Mecca, and Medina cities. These visas cannot be used for work or residency. Unapproved travel outside these cities may result in violations of local laws and penalties as mentioned above.
  • The Saudi government may set new departure requirements that limit when you can depart. Travelers must comply with all Saudi government travel regulations.
  • If you need to bring medication with you, carry a doctor’s prescription in English and make sure the medicine are not prohibited in Saudi Arabia. You may check Saudi Food and Drug Authority’s website for more details:

Hire Reputable Tour Operators

  • The Hajj is an attractive target for defrauding unsuspecting tourists, do your homework before selecting a tour operator. Only deal with licensed travel agencies by your local government and authorized by the Saudi Embassy in Ottawa, see the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia website and the lists on Maqam, a website of Ministry of Haj and Umrah.
  • Check exactly what you are paying for and it is a good idea to ask your tour details to be put in writing. 

Canadian passports

  • Keep travel documents (your Canadian passport or Canadian citizenship card) secure during your trip. Make two copies of your passport including pages stamped with Saudi visas with one set at home and the other in a safe place while you travel.
  • Report the loss immediately to your tour operator representative and try to obtain a report from the local police.
  • Upon completion of Hajj, you may contact the Canadian Embassy represented by the honorary consulate in Jeddah to assist in issuing replacement passport. 

Women and Children Pilgrims

  • Women below the age of 45 must be accompanied by a “mahram” (i.e. close adult male relative such as husband, father, son, uncle, brother or nephew) for Hajj or Umrah.
  • Women over 45 year of age may travel without a mahram in an organized group, provided they submit a notarized letter of no objection from the husband, son, or brother, authorizing travel for Hajj or Umrah with the group. This letter should be notarized by your local notary public.
  • Minors (less than 18 years of age) will be granted a Hajj visa only if accompanied by the family.  In case the child travelling with one parent, a letter of no objection should be submitted by the other parent/legal guardian and notarized by a notary public. 

Pilgrims with Disabilities

  • Be prepared for standards of accessibility and accommodation below the minimum of the norm or what is required in Canada. While most of the Holy Sites, such as the Grand Mosque in Mecca, are handicap-accessible, most hotels and transportation options are not. Check with your tour group provider to ensure your needs are well known and can be accommodated. 


  • In addition to required vaccinations, the following vaccinations are also recommended: Hepatitis A and B and Polio.
  • Carry hand sanitizers, cold, diarrhea, skin irritation medication and any other medicines or treatments you might need.
  • Temperatures in Mecca tend to range between 18 and 44 degrees Celsius. Try to stay hydrated, rest, and use protection from the sun.
  • If you have medical conditions, make sure to have medical report with you and have them translated into English.
  • Please ensure to add relevant prescriptions to your travel documents.
  • The public facilities for providing may by crowded, however, travelers should expect long wait times for basic amenities during Hajj, especially in Mina, Muzdalifa, and Arafat.
  • Take time to read Travel Health Notice on:

Baggage Allowance and Transportation

  • You should check with your tour operator for baggage allowance details like size and weight before packing your bags. Also consider consulting with the operator about what will be provided and what you should consider taking with you.
  • For information about items prohibited in Saudi Arabia:
  • The Airports:
    • Hajj and Umrah travelers enter and depart from Jeddah (King Abdulaziz International Airport) or Madinah (Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz Airport) airports only, as there is no airport in Mecca.
    • Expect crowded airport terminals and long waiting time upon arrival at the airports due to enormous number of pilgrims.
    • Travelers with only carry-on bags will find baggage transfer at the airport much easier than will those with checked baggage.
  • Between Ritual Sites:
    • The Saudi government provides strict timetables to Hajj groups for all movements (bus, light rail, and foot) between the ritual sites.
    • These routes are extremely congested, and travelers should expect long delays. 

Smart Phone Apps

Bringing back Zamzam water and other eatables

  • Most airlines limit each traveler to one packed bottle of up to 5 or 10 liters (1.09 or 2.64 gallons) of Zamzam water as checked baggage, check with your tour operator for exact details of what your airline will allow and the requirement of the bottle packing.
  • Restrictions on what items you are allowed to bring into Canada vary depending on the product, country of origin and province of import. These restrictions are set up to help keep Canada's animals, plants and natural habitats healthy and safe. Due to constantly changing pest and disease situations, these restrictions may be adjusted at any time. Do your research each time you travel! You may consult Canada Border Services Agency:

Safety Information

  • Make sure you have contact information of the following with you all the time: Canadian Embassy in Riyadh, your tour operator’s both in Canada and Saudi representatives and the hotel you are staying in.
  • Be aware of pick-pocketing and other forms of theft particularly in crowded locations. Always keep an eye on your hand carry and luggage.
  • We recommend you get a local SIM card; there are customized plans offered for Hajj and Umrah performers.
  • Canadians should remain vigilant at all times, avoid all demonstrations and large gatherings, follow the advice of local authorities and monitor local media. We recommend, if possible, that Canadians get in touch with their emergency contacts in Canada to confirm their whereabouts and wellbeing, even if they have not been affected by this event.
  • We encourage you to register on Registration of Canadians Abroad (ROCA) before travelling through
  • We encourage you to stay connected to the latest travel advice and advisories, and can find our emergency contact information at, also available via our mobile Travel Smart application (
  • Once you arrive to your residence in Makkah or Madiana, it is a good idea to ask and get to know the facilities and shops closest to your location.
  • It is highly recommended to stay with your travel group during the whole trip period. 

Emergency Contact Information:

  • Canadian citizens requiring emergency consular assistance can contact the Embassy of Canada in Riyadh at +966-11-488-2288 or Check our website for working hours under “Contact Us”:
  • For emergency assistance after hours you may get in touch with the Emergency Watch and Response Centre (EWRC) in Ottawa. You may also reach the EWRC directly by dialing +1-613-996-8885 or by email at
  • The National Tawafa Establishment for Pilgrims of Turkey and Muslims of Europe, Americas, and Australia (TEAA)
    Tel: (+966-012) 920012013
    Fax: (+966-012) 920006620
    Street Address: Mecca Al Mukarramah, Al Nuzha Road, near Alnuzha Bridge
  • Local Emergency Services:
    • MOI Hajj hotline 911
    • Traffic Accidents 993
    • Firefighters 998
    • Ambulance 99
    • Police 999 

For more information

What We Can and Cannot Do

We Can

  • Issue replacement passports in case of theft or loss.
  • Seek to contact you within 24 hours of being told that you have been arrested.
  • Make special arrangements in case of civil disturbances or disasters.
  • Provide contact information for local lawyers and hospitals.
  • Arrange for a spouse or next of kin to be informed if you are involved in an accident, arrested, or die, and advise them on the appropriate procedures.
  • Contact relatives or friends to request assistance in sending you money or airline tickets 

We Cannot

  • Resolve immigration and overstay violations.
  • Become involved in any disagreements, e.g. pilgrim and travel agency disputes or lost baggage.
  • Rearrange airline, hotel, or other travel bookings.
  • Pay for hotel, legal, medical, travel, or other bills.
  • Obtain someone’s release from prison.