Wednesday, August 5, 2020

10th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Sacrifice

10th Day of Dhul-Hijja – Day of Sacrifice

Location: Muzadalifa, Mina, Makkah Duration: Afternoon – Fajr next day

Then you have to do the following:

  1. Throw seven pebbles at Jamarat Al-Aqaba in a successive way and recite Takbir with every pebble. Then the pilgrim slaughters Hadi (“It is an obligation for the Mutamatia’ and the Qarin only”). He eats from the sacrifice and distributes some to the poor.
  2. The pilgrim shortens or shaves the hair from all parts of your head. It is better to shave it (for men only). Women are to cut only a fingertip of their hair. At this time, all the prohibitions of Ihram state become permissible except for sexual intercourse. Hence, the pilgrim can wear your clothes and apply perfume, etc. The first discharge of Ihram happens with performing two of three – pelting, shaving and Tawaf.
  3. Then the pilgrim returns to Makkah and perform the main circumambulation (Tawaf Al-Ifada).
  4. In the case of Tamattu, the pilgrim should perform Sa’ee between Safa and Marwa and also in the case of Ifrad and Qiran, if he did not perform Sa’ee after Circumambulation of Arrival (Tawaf Al-Qudoum). Then the pilgrim will be allowed all-things prohibited due to state of Ihram including sexual intercourse with his wife.
  5. There is no harm for the pilgrim if he does something out of order for example he shaves before throwing – there is no harm on him.
  6. Drink the water of Zamzam and perform Noon prayer in Makkah if possible.
  7. The pilgrim has to stay the night in Mina.

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