Thursday, September 15, 2016

Hajj Memories

And proclaim to mankind the Hajj. They will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, they will come from every deep and distant (wide) mountain highway (to perform Hajj).

Millions of people have taken this epic journey in the pursuit of finding their creator. Each one has a story to tell, an experience to share, moments they cherish and relive time and again. The lessons learnt from this journey has remained with them up to this day and continues to shape their outlook.
Do you have seniors in your family that have performed Hajj between the 1950s & the 1990. Capture their experiences in Audio format and send them through to us and we will have them aired during our riveting Hajj broadcast.

Your recording should not exceed 6 minutes. It should cover the following areas:
  1. LOGISTICS - Which year, How (Ship/Flight), individually or in a group, how many days.
  2. STRUGGLE - What was it like preparing for this journey (Saving up, family support structures e.g. who looked after the kids, business etc.)
  3. LESSON - what is the one thing that has remained with you till today?

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