Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Conditions Of Hajj

The Conditions Of Hajj
In order for hajj to become obligatory,one must meet the following conditions:
(1) Being Muslim
(2) Being sane
(3) Being an adult
(4) Being able to make the journey, this include the presence of the provision and other righteous travelers to accompany him.
(5) Complete freedom
(6) In the case of women,another condition is added and that is, the existence of an adult male relative within the prohibited degree of marriage (who can accompany her on the journey); if she makes pilgrimage without such an escort,she would have commited a sin although her pilgrimage would have been valid.

If a child performs pilgrimage, it will be considered a valid voluntary pilgrimage but he must still perform the obligatory pilgrimage of islam after he become of age.
If a person who should perform the pilgrimage dies without doing so,wealth is taken from what he left behind so that someone may perforn the pilgrimage on his behalf.
 It is not acceptable for a person to perform pilgrimage on another's behalf when he himself has not done so on his own behalf.It is proper for a capable person to apoint someone to perform a voluntary pilgrimage or umrah on his behalf.

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