Saturday, August 27, 2016

Important Notes

The Obligatory Acts of Umrah
They are two;
(1) Entering the inviolable state-for those who live in Makkah it is from wherever they are and for those from outside it is at the appointed locations.
(2) Shaving or cutting the hair.

Important Notes

If a person fails to perorm one of the essential acts, his rites are not complete unless he performs it.
If a person fails to perform an obligatory act, this must be compesated for by sacrificing an animal.
If a person fails to perform a recommended act, there is nothing he must then do.

Act Forbidden for one in the inviolable state
The Forbidden Act are deeds that if the person making hajj or umrah does any of the, it is obligatory upon him to make a sacrifies, fast or feed others.
They are as follows;
(1) Cutting one's hair on any part of the body.
(2) Trimming the finger or toe nails.
(3) Covering the head (for men) and covering the face for women, unless men who are not related to them should be passing by.
(4) Wearing sewn clothing by men, such as a long shirt or pants.
(5) Using perfume
(6) Killing land game that is normally permissible to eat.
(7) Getting maried
(8) Having sexual intercourse;
(9) Having contact with women in a manner less than intercourse

From the book Fiqh made easy


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